Visualising a pleasant picture
Train with a positive mind and focus on an improved balanced outcome, with a happy breathing horse underneath you.
Think about the movement from left to right, back to front, balance evenly distributed on all four legs, alignment over the back, with a good tempo and a regular beat and a spring in your horses step.
Focus on all body parts working nicely together , orchestrating from the saddle the swing to the movement in the gait and direction of the step. Work on little nuisances and notice hesitation, trips, bracing and blockages and find out these little quirks, removing the interruptions of the flow.
All of these elements have to work together, so the wear and tear on the horse is minimal and even, not overloading one side while the other side is too weak, causing strain and damage to unyielding joints, overloading other joints, tendons, and ligaments.
Place a big emphasis on timing and the placement of the feet in a good soft manner and concentrate on the landing of the hoofs and a lightness and elegance of the steps without an interruption, hiccups or stumbles.
When you walk into an arena it is a pleasant picture to observe horse and rider in harmony and you can hear soft regular breathing with pleasant, quiet footfalls.
It’s almost like they could sneak up on you.
That is the picture you are aiming for when you ride.
Your horse being in balance with you in any gait, in any direction, every time. With lightness and ease.