Training for Horses

In hand

Anke Hawke is the owner of Balanced Dressage located on the mid-coast of NSW.

Training done right can take your horse to the next level, and most importantly ensuring the horse’s welfare at all times.  Anke has  15+year’s experience in taking horses and teaching them movements, manners and skills, which set the horse and riders up for long and successful careers.

She also trains horses with movement problems, and she will design a daily training programme to suit each and every horse to bring them back into balance.

Anke recommends programmes of up to 3 months, with training and lessons, taking the time, or taking twice as long.

Healing or correction of anything takes time, be it a cut, sprain, tear or just posture. You will never fix it in one go, nor will an issue that has existed for several years be corrected in a matter of days.

Think about how long healing takes, now times that by two. An improvement is often mistaken for a full recovery, and too often, the injury is made worse by jumping back into full work too soon. We’ve done it with our own bodies and no doubt have done it to countless horses. If they’d have just been given a little extra time, they’d not be so broken or prone to injury now.

There is no shortcut; there is no workaround; there are no speeding things up. It takes the time it takes. You don’t get to decide how long it takes, nor does anyone else.

As the saying goes, “If you don’t take time for your wellness, you will be forced to take time for your illness.” It is true for wellness as it is for injury and recovery.

The Rider is encouraged to come along for the journey and be part of the training progress and regular lessons, especially before the horse returns home.





Training 60.-$ per session

Recommended 3-4 times a week every second day

Agistment day 28.50 / $ including 2 hard feeds & hay  & calcium supplement

All other supplements are extra.