Rehabilitation- Case Study Mal the Horse
So appreciating that these photos only capture a moment in time….And also a journey of time?
The first picture:
Shows a horse that hasn’t connected from back to front, his shoulder muscles are big in comparison to the hindquarters- and he is dropped in the sternum.
He bears his weight on the forehand, overburdening the front legs and not really using his hind end as efficiently.
He is hollow in the back and show a lack of top line muscles.
He has inverted and braced his neck a lot in the past to balance himself – and make up for lack of hind leg power, which is causing more stiffness and anxiety, as well as tripping.
The second picture:
Mal is standing a lot more balanced.
He learned to engage his core, build strength in the hind end and more flexibility throughout.
His body is more in proportion, with more build up in the top line.
He is also more lifted through the wither, as well as the thoracic sling.
His muscles are not dipped, they have filled in and are nice and round, lifted.
His neck has filled up evenly.
His front is lifted.
He now has more movement and flexibility throughout his back…..Less anxiety is a bonus ?
The third picture:
Here you can see that the muscles look even smoother and most of the rigid lines have disappeared.
The whole horse looks more balanced.
Now he can start to move with minimal effort and more efficiency.
As a rider, you feel that the horse is more responsive to your leg and softer & lighter in the contact.
Yes, there is always room for additional improvement – more thrust and strength over the hindquarters and sitting on the haunches, to add flamboyance.
Time and patience are all that are needed!
The lovely part is Mal now does all this with a twinkle in his eye- and a bit of cheeky character.
Great improvement in time?
Everyone’s journey is different…but Well done Emily and Mal ?!
Mal- the 1st picture before starting rehabilitation work with Anke Hawke
The 2nd picture of Mal the horse part way through his rehabilitation with Anke Hawke
The 3rd and final picture for Mal, after the Rehabilitation working with Anke Hawke..What a transformation!